If you are trying to redeem one of our Foundations Homeschool voucher codes and you are getting an invalid code error, be aware that codes can only be used one time. If the code has already been redeemed you will get an error. Instead try just signing into the account to access the curriculum. If the code has not yet been redeemed, try this:
- First double check and make sure you did not mistype the code or transpose two numbers.
- Make sure you do not have any extra spaces before or after the code.
- Make sure the code is not an add-on code being used on a new account without having first activated the full course. *
Any of these things can result in an invalid code message. If you are still having trouble, please send us a message, including the code, and any error messages you may be receiving. Our support team will be happy to look into your specific situation.
* If you have a full course code and an add-on course, you cannot redeem the add-on code first. You can only add that on to an account where the full course has already been activated. Please go back to www.ramseyhomeschool.com/redeem and try to redeem your full course code first. That should work. Then you can redeem your add-on code.